
SQ-Insoles - stability for the knees, comfort for the feet

Many cyclists regularly experience numb toes or aching knees, especially on longer rides. In addition to a wrong position on the bike, the foot itself is often the source of discomfort. Muscle fatigue causes the naturally curved shape of the foot to collapse, resulting in uncomfortable compression in the cycling shoe and an unstable force axis between the pedal and hip.  Special insoles for cycling shoes can help by supporting the natural arch of the foot, improving muscle activation and providing a stable foundation for a good power axis through the knee joint.   SQlab used pressure measurement soles and motion capturing (movement analysis), to investigate the extent to which such insoles can increase comfort and ensure healthier power transmission. As a result of this research, the SQ-Insoles ONE11 were developed. 


Experimental setup

Ten test subjects each rode seven different cycling-specific insoles on an indoor trainer in the SQlab laboratory. The pressure distribution in the shoe was measured using pressure measurement soles, and the lateral knee movement during the pedaling cycle was tracked using a high-speed camera. The test subjects' individual perception of comfort was then determined using a questionnaire.


The measured pressure distribution in the shoe was clustered into six areas and compared with the subjective statements from the questionnaires. In addition, the amplitude of lateral knee movement was compared for the different insoles.


Lateral knee movement was reduced by an average of 8% in 60% of the test subjects by using a cycling-specific insole. Recommendations for the optimum design of the respective areas of the new SQ-Insoles ONE11 were derived from the pressure values and the comfort evaluation. In simple terms, it can be said that the larger the contact area with the foot, the more comfortable the insole is perceived to be.

Features at a glance


  1. Heel Brace encloses and supports the ankle joint in the shoe. 

  2. Longitudinal arch support supports muscles of the sole of the foot and counteracts fatigue of the foot. 

  3. Pelotte supportsthe transverse arch and reduces numbness in the toes. 

  4. Lateral forefoot support stabilizes the foot on the pedal off to the outside. Reduces lateral knee movement and improves power transmission. 

  5.  Padding material beds softly, dampens and absorbs shear forces. 

  6. Microfiber cover provides a good grip in the cycling shoe. 


The greater the contact surface of the sole of the foot on the insole, the greater the feeling of comfort in the cycling shoe. To achieve this, the measurement of the individual foot type in combination with the leg axis, as carried out by SQlab, plays an important role. The SQ-Insoles support the individual foot shape through the various supports of the longitudinal arch (2) and a pad (3) as well as the lateral forefoot support (4) when transferring power to the pedal.