
Unisex Concept

Should there be specific saddles for men and women?


Is it necessary to have different saddles for men and women?

There is no need to differentiate between men's and women's saddles for SQlab saddles with step saddle technology. Instead, the sit bone distance is the decisive criterion. The correct saddle width ensures that the sit bones are fully supported and the pressure is optimally distributed.

The anatomical difference between men and women

The only significant anatomical difference between men and women is the lower pubic arch in women. However, thanks to SQlab's step saddle technology with a dip in the middle of the saddle and the lower saddle nose, this difference has already been taken into account. This saddle design ensures that the sensitive perineal area in men and the pubic arch in women are equally relieved.

Why take sit bone measurements?

During normal sitting, the sit bones are designed to support the body weight and can absorb high pressure; this should also be the case when cycling. Thanks to the SQlab saddle width concept, the main load of the body weight is placed on the sit bones when cycling. The distance between the sit bones varies from person to person, so to ensure that the sit bones have sufficient contact surface, this distance must be measured to determine the appropriate saddle width.